Wednesday, November 27, 2013


And Isn't It Ironic... Don't You Think

Thanksgiving, as the name implies, should be a day of giving thanks. However, it has turned into a monument of greed. After we thank the Lord for all we have, we go out and spend all our money the very next day. We trample, fight, and scream just to buy the newest and latest gadgets for the lowest price. Blatantly, the irony of the situations stares us in the face.
I cannot condemn those who spend all day shopping on Black Friday, for it reflects our nature. We live in a greedy society. Amidst the shouting and the inevitable trampling of someone at Wal-Mart, we see ourselves as we truly are--greedy. Rarely is anyone sincerely thankful, for we are incapable of a pure spirit of gratitude. Being thankful is against our human nature and our society. As a result, Black Friday has become a holiday equally respectable as Thanksgiving. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013



Practically every day I view my blog and realize I have nothing new to say. Disheartened, I decide, yet again, to simply wait until inspiration strikes. However, no new epiphanies have occurred.
So, silence will have to suffice, for it is far better than meaningless banter. As a result, to my dismay, silence and I might, for a time, become eponymous.   

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Playing God

Creating is simply making something out of nothing. What if we, as human beings, were capable of such a feat? Despite our disability, we constantly strive to create. Through art, we celebrate our weak interpretation of true creation. We can only pull ideas from what has already been given to us. Seeking unadulterated originality is impossible, for we are surrounded by influences and ideas. In wanting to create, we are simply seeking to take on a role higher than our capabilities and our purpose. In essence, we wish to be a god. Embedded in our beings is a sense of higher purpose and a longing for perfection and meaning. How do we satisfy it, for we truly cannot become God?

Saturday, October 26, 2013


In Retrospect

Revisiting my earlier blog posts, I realized, to me, most of them seem the same. Perhaps, after writing so many, in my mind, they bleed together as one. A plethora of streams of thought conjoin to form a vast ocean.
Pondering further, I noticed all of life revolves in this way. As the saying goes, "Nothing is new under the sun." I find myself circling back to the same trains of thought, telling storing and sharing ideas that I'm sure someone else has shared before. I am not creating anything. Whether by nature or nurture, my philosophies and characteristics were formed. I did not create them, for all I can do is alter what is already in existence. Likewise, I can only offer up my same thoughts, though I might slightly alter the viewpoint.
But that is all life is anyways.
As we continue our menial moment of existence, the earth continues rotating and the universe is in order. We spend our time on earth living different versions of the same day. Some are good while others are tragic. But our existence continues in the same pattern; we live another day, same as the one before it and same as the one that comes after. Until, finally, our short visit ends. Our vapor of a life is over. Though we may not have changed much, life still goes one. And it's a wonderful thing. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Big Brother Is Watching

 With American government's surveillance, we are not free. Any concept of privacy and freedom once enjoyed is now gone. Apparently, we cannot prevent our own government from knocking on our door after a few simple Google searches. How long will this endure before we fight back?
If half the country decides to research how to make a makeshift bomb, whose door will they knock down first?
With the government's logic, our mortal enemies are those we live next to. Don't leave the house because you never know when your neighbor might launch a terrorist attack because apparently we cannot trust them. Essentially, with this constant monitoring, we are waging a war on ourselves--a war that cannot be won. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013



History seems to be riddled with those destined to a life of isolation, heartache, and suffering. Tragically, those creators live their life seeking love, acceptance, and happiness. However, all joy seems to be fleeting, for pain is their lot in life.
Perhaps some people are simply destined to a life of tragically creating beauty. Is being destined to a life of pain and sadness really a tragedy or does it simply serve as a compliment to extreme beauty?  

Friday, October 18, 2013


Just a Pit Stop

"People think of life as being so sacred and they feel like this is their only chance and they have to do something with their life and make an impact As far as I'm concerned, it's just a pit stop for the afterlife. It's just a little test to see how you can handle reality."
- Kurt Cobain
With the world of Hollywood fame being shoved down our throats, society claims we have to make an impact with our lives. Our importance is dependent upon our fame, fortune, or legacy. However, after we are gone, what good is fame and fortune? Is good karma not more important? If life truly is a glimpse into our eternity, we should look beyond the temporary, beyond the materialism. Instead of attempting to gather worldly possession, we should just live life to the fullest. Spread peace and love, for it reciprocates far greater good than money, power, and fame. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


America Is Dead

Spiritually, America is detached. Mentally, disorders are on the rise, and our country has no treatment. Intelligently, we are hold no superiority. Morally, we have no specific direction. Politically, the good of the nation is overlooked for the sake of a personal or group agenda. Once a nation abundant with innovation, hard work, and promises of a better life, we are failing, simply gliding by on the accomplishes of others before us. We have no direction to go, except downwards. If the pattern continues, America might see a certain demise of a nation which the settlers and colonists fought so damn hard to keep. Now, America has become apathetic, blind to its own future potential. We lack passion, for there is no motivation driving us forward. With the coming of the technology age, there is a greater opportunity for ingenuity and innovation. However, creativity is overlooked. Where is the next generation of thinkers, doers, and innovators? We need a new revolution to ignite passion into a people so uncaring. However, if such a change is improbable, America might as well be dead. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013



Strange, is it not, that we are encouraged to not engage our emotions. Though we may feel angry or depressed, we are supposedly required to tuck these feelings away in our soul. Put them to rest. When we become angry, people get offended. So, instead, when people ask " how are you?", we just answer "Fine." and carry on with our misery. 
Because these feelings are natural, why must we pretend they do not exist? Strong emotions can be beautiful. However, our anger is viewed as hostile, so it must be filed away. After all, you might hurt someone's feelings...and what a tragedy that would be.
By experiencing emotion and the full extent of it, we are experiencing more of live. We sense, breathe in, and engage the world around us. Isn't this more beautiful than the monotony of apathy?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Nature vs. Nurture

According to psychology, we have two major theatres of influence in our lives: nature and nurture. Nature is our family, our genes, and our values. Nurture includes anything and everything in our environment--communities, technology, religion, culture, our friends, society, and even obnoxious TV commercials. 
Interesting, isn't it, how everything and anybody we come in contact with influences our thoughts, actions, emotions, and behavior. I wonder how different our lives would be if we weren't so easily influenced, or if we weren't influenced at all. 
However, without any external influences, would we even be able to develop and change at all? I don't believe we could. Everything we come in contact with, including other people, helps mold us into who we are as individual people. As a result, we are constantly changing and evolving into someone else, hopefully someone greater.  

Monday, September 9, 2013


"I Miss the Comfort in Being Sad"
(Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle - Nirvana)
When all we experience is joy and happiness, sadness can be comforting. Briefly, we receive a new perspective on life. However, when our entire disposition is an overwhelming melancholy, happiness is an interruption in our daily life. Intruding, this moment of joy reminds us how fleeting happiness can be, for we shall soon return to our standard misery.

I wish I had the joy of a child because they have yet to experience the evil in the world. Everything is beautiful. People are kind. Every little thing is intriguing. They can soak in every moment of life like one grand, beautiful, exciting adventure. From their perspective, life is fun. I wish this mindset was easier to keep, for I wish I knew a world without pain, heartache, and corruption. I want to view life as beautiful once again, but I'm drowning in a sea of monotonous misery.   

Friday, August 23, 2013



What if everyone acts as if we are in debt to other people? We would be kind, respectful, and considerate. As an American, most people I encounter act entitled or greater than others. For once, can we not just humble ourselves to serve one another? Think of the difference that could make in our world. Sometimes, respect and consideration are all we need to spread some peace, love, and good vibes to the world around us.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013



Rather than a singular purpose of existence, four are noted in Hinduism: dharma, artha, kama, and moksha.
As humans, we are born into debt to both the gods and to other people. We pay our dues by offering sacrifices to the gods, respecting others, passing along knowledge, offering good will, and treating guests as gods. By repaying our debts, we fulfill our purpose. This is dharma. 
   Prosperity and wealth in worldly pursuits is artha. Although the overall goal is enlightenment, artha ensures social standings and our placement in life. However, success and prosperity must be won within the realm of dharma.
Kama refers to desire and pleasure. In life, we must quench our thirsts.
Though dharma, artha, and kama must be sought after, the ultimate goal is moksha--enlightenment. However, few can attain this in a single lifetime. Those who do, gain union with the gods.

Sunday, August 18, 2013



In my relentless quest towards discovering meaning and purpose, I've started looking towards varying world religions, hoping for answers and differing views on life. The first of which is Buddhism.
In the ongoing cycle of life, contentment and good karma seem to be our calling. By living a moral life, we ensure the state of our next life. However, in the present, we must attain enlightenment by suppressing our human desires and, instead, must seek religion.
Happiness, wealth, and success, according to Buddha, are fleeting. Look towards contentment, not happiness:

"Some have too much and yet do crave
I have little and seek no more;
They are but poor though much more they have
And I am rich with little store.
They poor, I rich, they beg, I give;
They lack, I have; they pine, I live."

Though Buddhism instructs us how to live and attain enlightenment, no purpose in life is ever defined. According to this religion, the purpose of life is different to each person based on their goals and their experiences in life. But to a person who is truly content with life, finding the purpose wouldn't seem to matter, would it? 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


A New Journey

In my ceaseless quest to find meaning within our mundane lives, inspiration has finally struck. Through my own inquiries, I often ponder the purpose behind life and our actions. Recently, I've felt stuck. There was nothing more for me to say, for all my ideas had been expressed.
Seeking answers and a purpose, I look towards the spiritual nature of our souls. Therefore, my next new journey is seeking the meaning of life according to various religious beliefs. Hopefully, I shall find some answers.

Saturday, August 10, 2013



"Being an intellectual creates a lot of questions and no answers. You can fill your life up with ideas and still go home lonely. All you really have that really matters are feelings. That's what music is to me."
- Janis Joplin
To Janis Joplin, music was an escape from the depression and loneliness of everyday life. For Van Gogh, painting was his escape. Virginia Wolfe and Edgar Allen Poe--their writings. Perhaps, true artists must be miserable, for, from their pain, true beauty and solace are created.  

Saturday, August 3, 2013



Simply existing within the parameters of the droning, repetitive monotony of my daily life, I am becoming annoyingly complacent to the exceeding wealth life has to offer. Unfortunately, therefore, I must force myself to burst forth from the bonds of comfort and ease by striving to observe the complex meaning of our surrounding universe. Stuck in this funk, I guess I shall leave you with something to listen to until my next philosophical observation presents itself:

Central Time by Pokey Lafarge


Golden Gate Jumpers by Cold War Kids


Railroad Track by Willy Moon

Hopefully, this shall keep you amused until inspiration finally strikes.

Sunday, July 21, 2013


Carpe Diem

Rapidly expanding, corporate industrialism is taking over the American work fields. As manufacturing plants are forming overseas, America blue collar workers are slowly becoming a dying breed. For the younger generations, college is required, for the sole purpose of education is gradually shifting into solely prepping for a white collar work environment. Obscure trades and occupations are dying out.
In a society consumed by one's net worth, the creatives become extinct. Artists, philosophers, and talented musicians are quickly overlooked. Consumed by the fast pace of technology, we lack depth and purpose. Money does not last. Economies collapse. We cannot live solely to make money. Since we are given one life, shouldn't we spend it doing what we love? 

Sunday, July 14, 2013



Frustrated. Depressed. Angry. I must face the juggernaut of my deepest fear--being unheard. With an abundant flow of ideas, I am left drowning. Is there a purpose in voicing our opinions if no one listens? Or shall we continue speaking, hopeful someone shall eventually take notice? My inner ameliorator causes a ceaseless struggle in my life.  Though my upmost desire remains to influence the world, the power needed has evaded my grasp. How does one seek to create change without any influence? Shall I continue fighting or is my laboring done in vain?  
Logically, I should surrender. However, I cannot idly watch life go by. Though I may not influence a single soul, by continuing my efforts, I find peace with myself. 

Friday, July 12, 2013


A Hiatus

In all aspects of life, we must learn to regularly retreat from the normalcy of our daily routines, reflect upon our progress, and process our experiences. Reflection and progress coexist. Without reflection upon our current state, we cannot rightly enforce the changes needed to improve our current state. Sometimes, to move forward, we must pause and access. A meaningful hiatus. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013



Tolerance towards others can be taught, and the open-minded shall willingly and easily grasp the concept. Judgment of others can be eschewed. However, the more prevalent judgment is that we pass upon ourselves. Low self-esteem and high ego are generally the same disease, for both involve concentrated focus upon ourselves. The cure to depression is not puffing up our ego. That is still subjective. Contrary to the vast opinion, the cure is simply focusing upon ourselves less. By not passing judgment upon ourselves, we become more accepting of others, too.
With the rise of social media, humans have become more self-aware. I believe this creates the surplus of arrogant assholes and greater depression. The cure is less self-focus. When cease worshipping ourselves, we find true happiness and freedom.
"True humility is not thinking more or less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less."
- C. S. Lewis 

Monday, June 17, 2013


Cadillac Records

Muddy Waters: Welcome to Cadillac Records; stay around long enough and everyone get one.
Howlin' Wolf: This old truck--I own it. It don't own me.
Leonard Chess: I wanna offer you a $100 advance.
Howlin' Wolf: I don't borrow against the store. Just pay me what you owe me. 
- Howlin' Wolf arrives at Chess Records, excerpt from Cadillac Records 
Muddy Waters found himself lacking money, for he accepted his cash in advance. He was given a Cadillac, and then he worked his ass off just to pay for the damn thing. When Howlin' Wolf arrives, he questions the status quo. He takes only what he earns. His principle, though uncommon, proved to be better. Many times we follow the popular practice, but the path less traveled reaps greater benefits.

Saturday, June 15, 2013


My Last Duchess

Robert Browning's poem My Last Duchess beautifully displays the strife occurring within our own minds. Though the poem's narrator fully admires the handiwork of "the last Duchess hanging on the wall", he keeps her hidden behind a curtain. He has grown tired of the questions it brings. Seemingly from guilt or self-consciousness, he keeps her a secret. When illustrated, the actions of the man seem bizarre. However, within our minds, we do the very same. We contain ideas, thoughts, dreams, and emotions we wrestle with almost daily, though we kept them hidden. Perhaps, that is our last Duchess. 

Saturday, June 8, 2013



Instantaneous. Influenced by the rapid technology, we seek pleasures that instantly satisfy. Patience is a virtue we, as a culture, lack greatly. Driven by such whims, we act before pondering the full consequences of our actions. But even more so detrimental, we have become succumb to the woes of artifice.
Accustom to rapid movement of trends and society, we oscillate between desires. We seek the newest, latest, and greatest, though we are not fully aware of who we are as individuals. Attempting to follow trends, we become nothing but artificial. We crave for the latest, simply because it is popular. However, if we are truly aware of our own personalities and needs, we quickly realize, trends are usually nothing more than artifice. They add no value to life nor do we truly need the advertised product.
Depth and realness are stripped from our modern day society, for we are content with superficial pleasures. Although, if we study the true emotions of ourselves and others, we realize these superficial pleasures never seem to satisfy. We want more. Something better. We crave depth and realness, for we drown in a sea of artificiality. For if nothing in our lives contains meaning, what then is the purpose behind every action, word, thought, and deed we produce? Without depth, can our lives even have a purpose, or is this all just meaningless folly?

Friday, May 31, 2013


The Dark Ages

Though technological advances are rapidly increasing, mankind seeks no improvement, for why should we work to change society if the internet is at our fingertips? We are becoming stuck on such an invention. Focused on the trivial, such as social media and celebrity news, we are quickly forgetting the benefit of the arts--literature, philosophy, painting, and music. If everything becomes digital, is talent and skill even required? 
The prevalent evil of technology is stripping our society of the richness of life. With technology, creativity is removed. Musicians, unable to sing on key, are attaining infinite acclaim and wealth, but what merits this? They have no skill. Artists and photographers can digitally enhance images and remove unsightly flaws. What talent is there in operating a computer? Sure, technology is convenient, but it removes substance and beauty. 
Perhaps, our beloved technology is providing greater harm than good. By robbing ourselves of a richer culture, we could be hindering the growth of society. Hopefully, centuries later, our current time shall not be referred to as a Second Dark Ages. If society continues on this path, however, it might be rightly deemed so.   

Tuesday, May 28, 2013



Amazing how the smallest things can drastically brighten your day. That's the beauty in life: joy can be found by appreciating life around us, all the details we usually miss. Joy and beauty can always be found in life, but we must vigilantly remember to seek it out and admire it.
Today, my favorite record label, Third Man Records, rolled up in their Rolling Record Store truck to sell some fine records. If buying records doesn't make you happy, I'm convinced you are just condemned to a life of misery. Nothing brightens up the day like record buying, especially when it's music you love...that's a definite fact. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013


Entertaining Tragedy

Over the past week, my family vacationed at Walt Disney World. However, the concept of what Disney is morphing in to is tragic. The method of simply waiting in line for a rollercoaster is slowly becoming a primeval practice of yesteryear. Now, people must be entertained while waiting in line--games are being played and animatronics are placed throughout the queue for entertainment. Such a tragedy that we cannot live 30 minutes without the need of a form of entertainment. It's absolutely absurd, really. Constantly, complaints are being voiced about the wait for an attraction, when waiting in line is a natural part of theme parks. Humans certainly are interesting creatures, wouldn't you agree?

Wednesday, May 15, 2013



"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art, like the universe itself (for God did not need to create). It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival."
-C.S. Lewis

Maybe, making life enjoyable is the purpose of our lives. We all work tireless hours to make money just to pay for the necessities needed to live. We are doomed to this monotonous fate until the day we die. However, we attain the power to create an enjoyable life. Surrounded by tones of black and white, our purpose is to add color. Make art. Study language. Converse with strangers. Ponder the world around you. Perhaps, by adding some adventure and excitement to our dull monotony, we can see the beauty surrounding us, instead of the negativity.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


My Ghost

Depression, I believe, is quite possibly the worst ailment a person can suffer from, for you cannot escape it. Inside of you is your own personal demon, haunting your very soul. You cannot evade it, except for sparse, fleeting moments of temporary happiness--no lasting cure. The ghost haunting you cannot be shaken, for it is apart of you. Living life entails dealing with your own personal hell, which originates from your own mind and soul. No escape. Alone, you are left to suffer, for no one can save you from yourself. You are your own worst enemy. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013


A Logical, Metaphorical, and Philosophical View Point

"When problems overwhelm, us and sadness smothers us, where do we find the will and the courage to continue? Well, the answer may come in the caring voice of a friend, a chance encounter with a book, or from a personal faith. For Janet help came from her faith, but it also from a squirrel. Shortly after her divorce, Janet lost her father, then she lost her job. She had mounting money problems. But Janet not only survived, she worked her way out of despondency and now she says, life is good again. How could this happen? She told me that late one Autumn day when she was at her lowest she watched a squirrel storing up nuts for the winter, one at a time he would take them to the nest. And she thought, if that squirrel can take care of himself with the harsh winter coming along, then so can I. Once I broke my problems into small pieces I was able to carry them, just like those acorns, one at a time."
-Excerpt from Little Acorns by The White Stripes
Looking to a squirrel for inspiration--utterly simplistic. Yet, it makes perfect sense, doesn't it?  

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Quiet Desperation

"Boys, you must strive to find your own voice. Because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all. Thoreau said, 'Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.' Don't be resigned to that. Break out!"
- John Keating in The Dead Poets Society
To succeed in life, we do not have to gain infinite wealth, happiness, or fame. Many become trapped in their quiet desperation. However, others can overcome the boundaries, utilizing such pain to produce extraordinary greatness. Living a life without fame, wealth, or happiness, Vincent Van Gogh suffered from depression, and he received no appreciation for his art. In his miserable life, he sold only one painting. Yet, he still amounted to exceeding greatness. Perhaps the monotony of our everyday lives has a greater impact than we shall ever experience. Maybe, like Van Gogh, we will never see the influence our lives had on those around us. If we succeed to utilize our quiet desperation, we, too, might amount to something great.   

Saturday, April 20, 2013



Somehow, in America, we have deemed talk of religion and philosophy off-limits. Arrogant assholes parade around with their political views and freely shove them down everyone else's throat. However, in the aspect of morality and philosophy, our well is dry. It has become a grave misconception that debating beliefs is identical to intolerance. Why can we not debate and openly question? Sadly, as a nation, we have been stricken of the ability to openly discuss and question. Instead, we look down upon those whose beliefs differ from ours. Many people get defensive when their beliefs are questioned. Perhaps, it is because they have no true reason for believing what they do. Slowly over time, America has changed from the land of freedom to the home of arrogance and disapproval. 
Maybe so many tragedies happen on American soil, like school shootings and marathon bombings, because people feel like violence is the only way for them to be heard. When America wants something accomplished, we look to our military to make it happen. Our military is killing in Afghanistan right now, yet it becomes a greater tragedy when it occurs on our soil. Perhaps, Americans are drunk on the arrogance the government pours out. They are blinded to the reality that America, too, has its flaws. Realistically, greater tragedy occurs everyday in countries all over the world, yet America doesn't care. We only seem to care when tragedy strikes us. And this self-righteousness has been implanted in every American. Maybe our own ignorance and misconstrued view of reality are becoming our demise--politically, intellectually, economically, philosophically, and morally.  

Friday, April 19, 2013


Record Store Day 2013

Support and preservation. National Record Store Day has developed to rally music lovers together in support of their local record stores and to aid in the preservation of the vinyl pressing industry.

So, I urge you to go out tomorrow and buy records. Soak in the experience of searching through crates of records for your favorite album. Experiencing the romance a vinyl record has to offer.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013



With the internet readily available at our fingertips, the juggernaut of social media has successfully stripped the ability to listen from modern day society. Suddenly, every post and status update becomes a voice for the individual. Humanity now feels the need to inform others when they're bored or what they're eating, like someone actually cares. Drowning in narcissism, people use social media as a one-sided conversation, constantly writing and informing about themselves--how they feel and what they are doing. Constantly rambling about their own doings, they forget how to listen to others and exchange ideas. Instead, they would rather converse about trivial matters, as long as it remains self-focused. However, focusing on yourself accomplishes nothing major. To grow intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually, ideas must be exchanged and challenged. After all, an Instagrammed picture of a Starbucks coffee cup never impacted a life.   

Monday, April 15, 2013



"Humankind cannot bear very much reality."
- T. S. Eliot

Perhaps all religion exists as a means for humanity to cope with the depravity of the surrounding world. Seeking comfort or answers, people become drawn to religion. Others, however, whose eyes are open to the depravity rampant throughout various congregations, readily dismiss religion to avoid the reality of prevalent hypocrisy and judgment. Maybe we spend all our lives looking for anything to restore our innocence of mind, for we cannot bear the reality of the world around us.   

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Shall We Give Up Or Fight? Cont.

Since my last entry, someone has brought to my attention that, perhaps, surrendering is the way by which we do win. Maybe fighting never accomplished any good in the first place. All it created was frustration and exhaustion. Maybe realizing we truly cannot change anything causes the greatest good. Perhaps, real peace is found by learning to accept the world, and the people living within it. In some cases, giving up is exactly what needs to occur.  We must learn to accept the reality surrounding us and let go of what we will never have the power to change. If we are going to put forth the effort to fight, shouldn't we make sure our efforts are not done in vain?


Shall We Give Up Or Fight?

Frustrated with society, we all seek change. However, is change even plausible or are we, and our ideas, just subject the inevitable? Though we know change is unlikely, we fight for our beliefs anyways. Eventually, a day will come when the odds are stacked highly against you. The outcome looks bleak, for you know the battle is over. You cannot win. But do we continue fighting anyways? Is it better to save your strength by not fighting for a lost cause or is it better to die knowing you put up the best fight you can? I, myself, am quite unsure.
"We have two options, medically and emotionally: give up, or fight like hell"
- Lance Armstrong  

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


A Mere Conceptual Idea

Perhaps happiness is nothing greater than a mere conceptual idea. As humans, it simply exists within our nature to never fully be content, and if we do achieve true contentment, it remains in a fleeting moment. Maybe, all feeling is contained within the spectrum of suffering, for happiness could be defined as simply a lesser degree of suffering than the amount usually thrust upon us. If the amount of happiness we experience is still considered suffering, striving to attain happiness is a void goal. In the end, we all remain suffering, broken people, whether we consider ourselves to be happy or not.

Monday, April 8, 2013



Throughout our lives, mounds of expectations are heaved upon our fragile shoulders. Others hold us to standards, both plausible and inconceivable. However, the standards we need most strictly adhere to are those we place upon ourselves, for we know both our skills and our dreams. As individuals, we must rid ourselves of the hindrances of expectations others place upon us. Why should we allow the thoughts and expectations of others plague our lives? 

Thursday, April 4, 2013



We spend our lives learning how to not die. But does dying early make a life less valuable? Is a shorter life just a lesser life, inferior to the lives that last longer? In the end, it does not matter much what our life is worth, for eventually we all die and join the vast oblivion. Most live their lives attempting to impact the world, but eventually a day will come when even Shakespeare, Cleopatra, and Da Vinci will have their names mentioned a final time--because death is inevitable.
"I mean, they say that you die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time."

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


If Politics Changed Anything, Then It'd Be Called The Blues.

.Modern music consists of the same basic framework. Typically, songs are composed of verses, choruses, and a bridge, usually set within a time frame of around three to five minutes. Because of the influence of blues structures on music, all modern songs become based within these same perimeters.
However, not just the technicality of the music, but also the sound originates from the influential blues musicians. From the blues formed jazz music, which later transformed into rock and roll. The grittiness of rock evolved into rap music--the new voice of the people.
Since the introduction of the blues song structure a century ago, every chart-topper contains at least a minute blues element.
In conclusion, the blues can rightfully be christened as the most influential genre of music. If only Son House, Charley Patton, and Robert Johnson could see the tremendous impact they continue to have on the titanic music industry. . . 

Sunday, March 31, 2013



Upon meditating over the ideals found in the novel Great Expectations, we realize Miss Havisham exhibits a metaphor for our own lives. Left at the altar on her wedding night, she is unable to let go of the past. Instead, she lives the rest of her days hiding in her dark house, still wearing her wedding dress. Though, initially, her character seems quite exaggerated, we live in an identical way. Mrs. Havisham physically portrays our mental ability to cling to tragic events, which plague our lives. Usually, our current actions and ideals result from events of the past. Unable to move on, it dictates our every thought, emotion, action, and word.
Therefore, to fully understand a human being, we must look, not at their outward actions, but to their past and what they find their identity in. Then, and only then, can we claim to understand them, for we know what dictates everything about them.      

Saturday, March 30, 2013


Happy Birthday, Eric Clapton

The smell of old record sleeves. The crackling sound of the needle. The excitement and anticipation of the glorious music about to resound from the speakers.
Vinyl records contain a certain ambience to them. Unlike digital music downloads, vinyl is a medium in which the music comes alive, drawing you closer to the music and to the musician. Music you can hold in your hands and a sound your soul can feel. It's utterly beautiul, magical, and romantic.
And, today, in honor of God, Clapton records shall be spinning. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013



Is wanting to grow old with your true love not the same desire as just lying down and dying together? In graveyards, people become immortalized together--laying side-by-side with two names inscribed on a tombstone. Maybe the couple was falling apart or they never truly loved each other, yet, together, they lie for eternity's time.
Perhaps, Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet remains regarded as romantic solely because of their tragic death. Rather than live without the other, Romeo and Juliet choose to die with their true love. In a way, isn't death romantic? 

Monday, March 25, 2013



If plausible, how opposite would every aspect of life appear if ego was completely abstained from? Because ego obstructs even our noblest of intentions, in its absence, the world surrounding us would be drastically different. The majority of the events that shape history seem to be driven by vain ego--Hitler's invasion of Europe, Napoleon's attempt to conquer Russia, and The American Civil War.
Aside from historical turning points, egotistical vanity plagues modern culture. A plethora of musicians are no longer striving to perfect an instrument. Instead, they are simply attempting to gain wealth and attain fame. Why are we so willing to accept the sub-par music they are producing? Songs consisting of meaningless lyrics in which the singer's voice has been overly auto tuned--that's not art. 
Maybe the modern attraction to bands from earlier eras is based solely on the fact we are intrigued by the stories and ideas the lyrics share and the pure unadulterated talent of the musicians behind it. Music, produced by those who prevented their egos from interfering, allows timeless classics to be formed. Maybe, if we prevented our egos from plaguing us, we ,too, can create something worth noticing.

Thursday, March 21, 2013



Eric Clapton's song Layla encapsulates the inward cry of every heart. Driven mad by his longing for Pattie Boyd, Clapton, through his music, exhibits the excruciating ache of his heart, for he seems unable to attain his sole desire. Likewise, every human being has a thirst that cannot be quenched. Willing to sell our souls for what seems to matter most, we still cannot reach what we work so hard to attain, and if we attain it, it never truly satisfies. We live trying to fill a void, which we can never completely fill.  

Saturday, March 16, 2013



Around us, within us, consuming us exists certain struggles--battles we must fight. In our conscious efforts to conquer our haunting ghosts, we discover more about ourselves, others, and the world around us. We need this struggle, for it keeps us afloat. In the sea of sadness in the world, this battle is our raft keeping us from drowning--keeping us alive. All our demons that hinder us only make us more alive, for in our struggles is formed a wellspring of creative life.  

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


But Now

"Three hundred people living out in West Virginia, have no idea of all these thoughts that lie within you, but now"
This Protector by The White Stripes
Interesting how media, like music and writing, contains the power to spread ideas. From the humble origins of simple thoughts within a person's mind, our ideas can develop into something extraordinary. With the aid of the Internet, we can instantly publish our ideas for the masses to marvel at. Our personal epiphanies, when shared, can influence and change the lives of countless individuals. Is it not amazing that we can attain such an influence? And if we can, in this age, so easily attain such power, why are we not sharing our monumental ideals with the masses?

Monday, March 11, 2013



Interesting, isn't it, how surprised we act when corruption is exposed? In regards to the government, we never cease to be amazed when political corruption is exposed. Micro forms of corruption are prevalent in our everyday. Yet, we are shocked when those in authority misuse their power. Power is a breeding ground for corruption. Why do we continually act surprised by the inevitable? Ignorance won't solve the looming evil of corruption. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013



 Around tax season, we realize how enslaved we truly are. Regardless of the money we make and property we own, we still owe somebody something. Forever, we work with no end to our toil. Forever, we owe a debt. We are never truly free from authority. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013



Essentially, darkness is the absence of light. Light defines darkness, not vice versa. With light, we have the ability to observe our surroundings. Our eyes detect shape and color by capturing light. In the absence of light, however, we are stuck blinded, unaware of our surroundings.
Likewise, righteousness and holiness, point out our flaws and brokenness. Without realizing Christ's holiness, we are unable to see our own depravity.

Thursday, February 28, 2013



"And I declared that the dead, who have already died, are happier than the living, who are still alive. But better than both is the one who has never been born, who has not seen the evil that is done under the sun."
Ecclesiastes 4:2-3 
The saying "innocence is bliss" proves to be true, doesn't it? Though a bevy of knowledge can be to our advantage, sometimes, it is better to not know all we possibly can. Sometimes, a surplus of knowledge leads to nothing but pain, confusion, and greed.
In the Garden of Eden, the tree was christened The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. When Adam and Eve both partook of eating the tree's fruit, they were searching for knowledge on how to be like God. However, their newly attained knowledge of sin caused nothing but harm.
According to Greek mythology, Pandora is given a box, which she is instructed not to open. Curiosity drove her to open the box, releasing the wrath of the gods onto the earth.  
Striving to attain knowledge on all facets of life could be our foible. Sometimes, it is better to live in ignorant bliss than to have a surplus of knowledge pertaining to the plethora of foreboding evils in existence.  

Tuesday, February 26, 2013



It is a common misconstrued belief that, to have a good life, one must be happy. Caught in the whirlwind of happiness, we generally overlook the plethora of glorious intricacies life offers. Sometimes, a deep, reflective melancholy is exactly what we need. In our moments of sadness, we create new thoughts concerning others and come to understand ourselves better. It keeps us grounded and helps us appreciate the blessings life offers more fully. Sadness is a wonderful, necessary part of our lives. So why do we overlook the beauty of it? 

Sunday, February 17, 2013



In Mortimer Adler's Some Thoughts on Beauty, he eloquently acknowledges the differences between beauty and admiration. Beauty, according to his definition, is relative to personal preference. However, admiration is given to works of masters requiring great skill, whether we find such an item personally pleasing or not. 
Classics stand the test of time, specifically in literature, art, and music. Shakespeare. Dickens. Michelangelo. Bernini. Van Gogh. Mozart. Beethoven. Led Zeppelin. Only the admirable survive in lasting glory, not the beautiful, so why not attempt to attain admiralty? 

Monday, February 11, 2013



"It is a myth that art has to be sold. It is not like stocking a grocery store where people fill a pushcart. Art is a product that has no apparent need. The salesperson builds the need in the mind of the buyer."
 - Jack White III
Though art is unneeded, it serves a purpose far greater than useless frivolity. Unlike all else, art is not essential to our survival, yet it captivates us. Broken and evil, we are drawn to art's beauty, a concept opposite of our current state. Our souls, yearning to be beautiful and righteous, cling to the aesthetics art has to offer. Convinced we need art, we gather up paintings and immerse ourselves in melodious song. Focused on art's beauty, we ignore our brokenness.       

Friday, February 8, 2013



Within our souls, we perceive an overwhelming darkness and a prevalent evil, yet we choose to ignore it. Our own depravity we mask with narcissism. Ponder the depths of evil within your soul.
Daily, we see tragic news stories plastered on the Internet, newspapers, and TVs. Murder. Theft. Rape. Human trafficking. Shocked at the evil in our surrounding world, we convince ourselves we could never do that. Take a glimpse into the depths of your heart and soul. We are capable of producing the same evils. At the core, all of humanity is exactly the same. Depraved. Broken. Living in Darkness.   

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


An Introduction

I've always admired the author Charles Dickens for his ability to so eloquently introduce his novels. In the first few sentences, he both frames the path of the novel and establishes profound ideas. From his initial paragraph, flows the rest of the book. In the same way, the rest of my writing shall develop surrounding my initial idea regarding conversation:
I strongly believe the best conversation is that we learn from. Conversation contains the power to influence every belief we ever so strongly cling to. Therefore, if we must engage in conversation, why not make it worth while? We should converse in a way that causes people to reflect and inquire. Occasionally, through our conversations, we even attain the honor of inscribing a bit of wisdom on a person's soul or impressing an intelligent thought in their mind. Since we, as writers, thinkers, and creators, have such power, why not strive to make our conversations influential and insightful?