Thursday, September 26, 2013



Strange, is it not, that we are encouraged to not engage our emotions. Though we may feel angry or depressed, we are supposedly required to tuck these feelings away in our soul. Put them to rest. When we become angry, people get offended. So, instead, when people ask " how are you?", we just answer "Fine." and carry on with our misery. 
Because these feelings are natural, why must we pretend they do not exist? Strong emotions can be beautiful. However, our anger is viewed as hostile, so it must be filed away. After all, you might hurt someone's feelings...and what a tragedy that would be.
By experiencing emotion and the full extent of it, we are experiencing more of live. We sense, breathe in, and engage the world around us. Isn't this more beautiful than the monotony of apathy?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Nature vs. Nurture

According to psychology, we have two major theatres of influence in our lives: nature and nurture. Nature is our family, our genes, and our values. Nurture includes anything and everything in our environment--communities, technology, religion, culture, our friends, society, and even obnoxious TV commercials. 
Interesting, isn't it, how everything and anybody we come in contact with influences our thoughts, actions, emotions, and behavior. I wonder how different our lives would be if we weren't so easily influenced, or if we weren't influenced at all. 
However, without any external influences, would we even be able to develop and change at all? I don't believe we could. Everything we come in contact with, including other people, helps mold us into who we are as individual people. As a result, we are constantly changing and evolving into someone else, hopefully someone greater.  

Monday, September 9, 2013


"I Miss the Comfort in Being Sad"
(Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle - Nirvana)
When all we experience is joy and happiness, sadness can be comforting. Briefly, we receive a new perspective on life. However, when our entire disposition is an overwhelming melancholy, happiness is an interruption in our daily life. Intruding, this moment of joy reminds us how fleeting happiness can be, for we shall soon return to our standard misery.

I wish I had the joy of a child because they have yet to experience the evil in the world. Everything is beautiful. People are kind. Every little thing is intriguing. They can soak in every moment of life like one grand, beautiful, exciting adventure. From their perspective, life is fun. I wish this mindset was easier to keep, for I wish I knew a world without pain, heartache, and corruption. I want to view life as beautiful once again, but I'm drowning in a sea of monotonous misery.