Thursday, February 28, 2013



"And I declared that the dead, who have already died, are happier than the living, who are still alive. But better than both is the one who has never been born, who has not seen the evil that is done under the sun."
Ecclesiastes 4:2-3 
The saying "innocence is bliss" proves to be true, doesn't it? Though a bevy of knowledge can be to our advantage, sometimes, it is better to not know all we possibly can. Sometimes, a surplus of knowledge leads to nothing but pain, confusion, and greed.
In the Garden of Eden, the tree was christened The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. When Adam and Eve both partook of eating the tree's fruit, they were searching for knowledge on how to be like God. However, their newly attained knowledge of sin caused nothing but harm.
According to Greek mythology, Pandora is given a box, which she is instructed not to open. Curiosity drove her to open the box, releasing the wrath of the gods onto the earth.  
Striving to attain knowledge on all facets of life could be our foible. Sometimes, it is better to live in ignorant bliss than to have a surplus of knowledge pertaining to the plethora of foreboding evils in existence.  

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