Friday, August 23, 2013



What if everyone acts as if we are in debt to other people? We would be kind, respectful, and considerate. As an American, most people I encounter act entitled or greater than others. For once, can we not just humble ourselves to serve one another? Think of the difference that could make in our world. Sometimes, respect and consideration are all we need to spread some peace, love, and good vibes to the world around us.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013



Rather than a singular purpose of existence, four are noted in Hinduism: dharma, artha, kama, and moksha.
As humans, we are born into debt to both the gods and to other people. We pay our dues by offering sacrifices to the gods, respecting others, passing along knowledge, offering good will, and treating guests as gods. By repaying our debts, we fulfill our purpose. This is dharma. 
   Prosperity and wealth in worldly pursuits is artha. Although the overall goal is enlightenment, artha ensures social standings and our placement in life. However, success and prosperity must be won within the realm of dharma.
Kama refers to desire and pleasure. In life, we must quench our thirsts.
Though dharma, artha, and kama must be sought after, the ultimate goal is moksha--enlightenment. However, few can attain this in a single lifetime. Those who do, gain union with the gods.

Sunday, August 18, 2013



In my relentless quest towards discovering meaning and purpose, I've started looking towards varying world religions, hoping for answers and differing views on life. The first of which is Buddhism.
In the ongoing cycle of life, contentment and good karma seem to be our calling. By living a moral life, we ensure the state of our next life. However, in the present, we must attain enlightenment by suppressing our human desires and, instead, must seek religion.
Happiness, wealth, and success, according to Buddha, are fleeting. Look towards contentment, not happiness:

"Some have too much and yet do crave
I have little and seek no more;
They are but poor though much more they have
And I am rich with little store.
They poor, I rich, they beg, I give;
They lack, I have; they pine, I live."

Though Buddhism instructs us how to live and attain enlightenment, no purpose in life is ever defined. According to this religion, the purpose of life is different to each person based on their goals and their experiences in life. But to a person who is truly content with life, finding the purpose wouldn't seem to matter, would it? 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


A New Journey

In my ceaseless quest to find meaning within our mundane lives, inspiration has finally struck. Through my own inquiries, I often ponder the purpose behind life and our actions. Recently, I've felt stuck. There was nothing more for me to say, for all my ideas had been expressed.
Seeking answers and a purpose, I look towards the spiritual nature of our souls. Therefore, my next new journey is seeking the meaning of life according to various religious beliefs. Hopefully, I shall find some answers.

Saturday, August 10, 2013



"Being an intellectual creates a lot of questions and no answers. You can fill your life up with ideas and still go home lonely. All you really have that really matters are feelings. That's what music is to me."
- Janis Joplin
To Janis Joplin, music was an escape from the depression and loneliness of everyday life. For Van Gogh, painting was his escape. Virginia Wolfe and Edgar Allen Poe--their writings. Perhaps, true artists must be miserable, for, from their pain, true beauty and solace are created.  

Saturday, August 3, 2013



Simply existing within the parameters of the droning, repetitive monotony of my daily life, I am becoming annoyingly complacent to the exceeding wealth life has to offer. Unfortunately, therefore, I must force myself to burst forth from the bonds of comfort and ease by striving to observe the complex meaning of our surrounding universe. Stuck in this funk, I guess I shall leave you with something to listen to until my next philosophical observation presents itself:

Central Time by Pokey Lafarge


Golden Gate Jumpers by Cold War Kids


Railroad Track by Willy Moon

Hopefully, this shall keep you amused until inspiration finally strikes.