Tuesday, April 2, 2013


If Politics Changed Anything, Then It'd Be Called The Blues.

.Modern music consists of the same basic framework. Typically, songs are composed of verses, choruses, and a bridge, usually set within a time frame of around three to five minutes. Because of the influence of blues structures on music, all modern songs become based within these same perimeters.
However, not just the technicality of the music, but also the sound originates from the influential blues musicians. From the blues formed jazz music, which later transformed into rock and roll. The grittiness of rock evolved into rap music--the new voice of the people.
Since the introduction of the blues song structure a century ago, every chart-topper contains at least a minute blues element.
In conclusion, the blues can rightfully be christened as the most influential genre of music. If only Son House, Charley Patton, and Robert Johnson could see the tremendous impact they continue to have on the titanic music industry. . . 

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