Saturday, April 20, 2013



Somehow, in America, we have deemed talk of religion and philosophy off-limits. Arrogant assholes parade around with their political views and freely shove them down everyone else's throat. However, in the aspect of morality and philosophy, our well is dry. It has become a grave misconception that debating beliefs is identical to intolerance. Why can we not debate and openly question? Sadly, as a nation, we have been stricken of the ability to openly discuss and question. Instead, we look down upon those whose beliefs differ from ours. Many people get defensive when their beliefs are questioned. Perhaps, it is because they have no true reason for believing what they do. Slowly over time, America has changed from the land of freedom to the home of arrogance and disapproval. 
Maybe so many tragedies happen on American soil, like school shootings and marathon bombings, because people feel like violence is the only way for them to be heard. When America wants something accomplished, we look to our military to make it happen. Our military is killing in Afghanistan right now, yet it becomes a greater tragedy when it occurs on our soil. Perhaps, Americans are drunk on the arrogance the government pours out. They are blinded to the reality that America, too, has its flaws. Realistically, greater tragedy occurs everyday in countries all over the world, yet America doesn't care. We only seem to care when tragedy strikes us. And this self-righteousness has been implanted in every American. Maybe our own ignorance and misconstrued view of reality are becoming our demise--politically, intellectually, economically, philosophically, and morally.  

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