Tuesday, January 28, 2014



Innately, we all crave change. On a grand scale, we seek to change the world and leave an impact. Searching for significance, we look at the grand acts of history. However, we neglect the micro scale at which we can influence others. Fighting our way through throngs of people crowding a street, impatiently waiting to order the complicated Starbucks drink we constantly crave, and interacting with colleagues in the workforce, we come into contact with a plethora of people. Perhaps, we should start there. No great change came out of idle waiting. Instead of claiming we can make no significant change or simply waiting for the opportune moment to come along, we need to take action now. To create change, you start with those around you. By positively influencing others, we empower them to do the same. Truly, we contain greater power and importance than we can fathom.       

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


All You Need Is Love

All our troubles would disintegrate if only we could learn to love others more than ourselves. Without a motive of pure selfless love, even our most valiant deeds become empty and worthless. In a society plagued by the idea of "tolerance", we lose sight of what it means to truly love others. If we disagree with the popular opinion, we are immediately viewed as close-minded or prejudice. However, even then, those who are "right" parade their superior beliefs over the minorities. What happened to truly loving and accepting others, despite our flaws and differences? We are all severely poisoned by the motive of hatred. Only by accepting and upholding the value of loving others will cause our toughest problems melt away, for our hatred will be driven out.  

Monday, January 6, 2014


Prozac Nation

It's impossible to emotionally identify with a story when what's portrayed is nothing more than your life and your own internal dialogue. Watching Prozac Nation, I never connected with the story, for emotionally, nothing in me changed. Battling clinical depression already, I saw nothing more than my own struggles and emotions projected onto another person's life. In conclusion, I realized our demons are all the same. Though depression results in a feeling of severe isolation, the 300 million Americans that suffer from it can take heart, for we all are fighting the same damn thing. In my struggle, I am nowhere near alone. Perhaps, I have too many others to fight this demon with me.  

Thursday, January 2, 2014



Crowded, boisterous city streets. There I find myself drowning in a sea of people. An insignificant soul, I carry on as a part of my surrounding, conforming to the throngs of people travelling to and fro. I am simply a part of the ebb and flow of wondering souls trying to find our place in this world, or at the very least, our next location. Drifting on, I find myself in awe of my surroundings, for the constant noise and change of scenery captures my attention. However, surrounded by so much, I lose sight of myself. Only left in a solitary silence will I find who I truly am, for there in that silence the distractions melt away. Finally, I am left to deal with my true haunting nemesis--myself. Ultimately, no distraction can ever fully take my enemy away.